Saturday, December 29, 2012

....You're the inspiration...

Can you hear Chicago playing in the background.  Love that song!

Once again you bloggers out there have inspired me. 

During the summer I love to spend some time each day reading teacher blogs--saving, printing, laminating, and filing your amazing ideas.  You are the most creative people I know and really make learning fun for your students.  I know this even though I've never been in your classrooms because I have fun and often get giddy (Read: teacher nerd high) just reading about them.  Then the school year comes and I get caught up in the business of classroom set up, lesson plans, grading, managing, and all of the other "volunteer" opportunities you know we all do that's not part of our job description.  Not to mention being a mom of my 2 babies and wife to my hubby.  My brain moves too fast to be creative during the school year.  I'm exhausted when I get home during the week and I really have *tried* to keep my weekends for the family as much as possible.  That's why I love summer.  Well truth be told, one of the MANY reasons I love summer.  I really don't mind working during the summer--as long as I can do so in front of the TV in my running shorts and t-shirt (or jammies--let's be honest, some days are like that!)  .  Any preparation I can do when I have nothing else "schooly" to do is not "work" for me. 

This year has not been different.  I have 17 very high maintence children in class.  There are no "average" kids and they all have vastly different needs.  It's been....overwhelming.  This is the first time I've questioned my career choice.  I'm thankful I've been teaching long enough to simply pull from the files this year but I've really missed revamping and making things more exciting.

Enter Christmas Break:  "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"  The perfect time for a break when you're burning the advent candle at both ends.  You're ready for a break.  Your kids are ready for a break--and a break from each other.  The downtime has been wonderful.  My house is clean, the laundry is washed, dried, folded AND put away, no schedule, no expectations, naps during the middle of the day, read 3 books...I think that's what heaven will be like.  I've been lazy, I've been happy, I've been relaxed.  My husband calls this "Summer Wife".   I've also been productive.  I've caught up on blogs, I've finished shopping, wrapping and gifting, cleaning up from said gifts, written thank you notes for all of the sweet things my students gave me, I've planned a baby shower, and my crowning achievement:  I've planned units for the next 6 weeks! Thanks to my teacher bloggy friends, for the inspiration.  I'm using some of your activities, I've adapted some to fit the needs of my class, I've made my own units after seeing how you chunk some of the standards together. 

You are amazing.  I'm looking forward to getting back to school on Wednesday to start again.  It's amazing what some rest, relaxation and reflection can do...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Move

I'm feeling reflective today, so here's a post about what brought us to this station in our lives.    

We moved from California to Texas in July of 2009.  San Diego is a beautiful place to live, but it was unrealistic for us to make it there without debt looming over our heads.  We had been talking about moving to Texas for many years.  James' ENTIRE family lives within an hour of where we lived and I loved having family so close.  It was nice to have them so involved in Katherine's life.  Even though we talked about moving closer to my family, I didn't think it would happen.  But, around Easter time of 2009, we decided that it was time.  It was absolutely necessary to make this move.  We were leaving on total faith that God would guide us.  Neither of us had jobs.  We didn't have a place to live.  I'm not even sure we had gas money to get out there.  But we had to get out of California before we were drowning in debt and all but lost our credit rating.  A few weeks later I heard about a job opening at a school in Houston.  I applied, interviewed, visited, got the job and made the move all within 8 weeks.  I pulled out of the driveway of home in which I brought my daughter home from the hospital, in tears, followed by my husband driving the moving truck, at the end of June.  

        Diaper Changes ON the car when the rest stop 
bathroom is too dirty to think about taking my baby into. 

Everyone is less stressed knowing we're moving.  

Since it was such short notice we packed up and moved to Houston without getting a chance to look for a house to live in once we arrived.  We lived in a hotel room with 2 cats, a dog, and an 18 month old for 3 days. 

Home Sweet Hotel Room

Katherine in her "bed" at the hotel room with her "shi, shi" (Fishy)and "Pachie" (Paci).

We had some realtors from the church that graciously took us around to look at houses and made things happen quickly.  We were in a house, had hot water and electricity by July 4th!  

Katherine in her new chair at her new house.  

 We look back at the events that led up to our move often,and though I miss our San Diego family terribly, we recognize that this was God leading and providing all along the way.

I have my dream job teaching second grade (the golden age!), I now have 2 beautiful children, great friends, and we are comfortable.  It's nice not having to stress every month when the bills come in and I love that I'm only 3 hours away from my parents.  I love that my kids now know their Gram and Papa and that THEY are involved in my children's lives.  

Another reason we love Texas: The Bluebell Ice Cream Factory!

Houston has been good to us for the past 4 years, but I don't see myself raising my kids here for the long haul.  We're now contemplating a move to Austin in the near future and are fervently praying for God's guidance in this situation. 

We love the country--more specifically, lounging in a hammock in the country.

Spring is in the Air!

I have fond memories of being outside most of my childhood.  We walked to school in any weather.  We played outside in the rain, and when it was cold, and during the heat of the summer.  I did my confirmation homework sitting in the big tree in the back yard.  I want that for my kids.

Now they're at the age in which they can entertain themselves in the back yard for extended periods of time thanks to a turtle shaped sand box, a swing set, a tricycle and a playschool car.  Katherine enjoys picking wildflowers (weeds) too.  Today the house was in desperate need of a deep cleaning so I sent the kids outside to play and told them not to come in until I called them.  I was able to clean the kitchen, bathroom and MOP THE FLOOR... and let it dry before they came in.  This is a big deal.  I no longer have to wait until bed time to do such chores.  Previously, if I wanted to do this task, it usually ended up looking more like an impromptu Ice-Capade show. And while I secretly (sadly) do find the kids slipping and sliding on a wet hilarious, they did not seem find the humor in it. 

Spring is my favorite season.  Maybe it's because I welcome the skirt-wearing-weather after a cold winter.  Maybe it's the fresh smells of dirt and newly planted flowers.  Maybe it's the excitement of the rodeo that comes to town.  Maybe it's that this love of the outdoors I had as a child, still resonates with me now.  Whatever it is....WELCOME SPRING!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Into Ev-Er-Y-Thing!

My Dearest Little Andrew,

Your daddy and I often wonder what you'll be when you grow up.  I know you're only 2 now, but it's fun to wonder.  Your sister is a natural nurturer, so we're confident she'll be a great teacher, doctor, veterinarian, or mommy.  You--you like to cause mayhem and destruction wherever you go.  Hurricane Andrew.  I'm sure this will serve you well in some way in the future--maybe it's just a natural born curiosity.  You're also very sweet and like to help--like bringing sister an ice pack when she's hurt, or bringing her cup to her when you find it sitting on the table.  Just for posterity sake, here's what you've been up to during the last few months. 

You love to get into my makeup and "decorate" the bathroom with my face powder.  The first place we look for you when it gets *too quiet* is in my bathroom.

You have also explored nail polish--luckily, I found you before you painted anymore than the tile floor.

You love to take your diaper off--maybe you think you're helping?  I've cleaned up more pee soaked sheets than I care to count and have bathed the poop off you far too many times this summer. 

You've squeezed a bottle of sunscreen all over yourself (again, maybe trying to help?) and then thought your toy laptop would look good COVERED in it as well. 

We switched you to a big boy bed about 5 days ago.  You're loving this new found freedom.  When you wake up, you explore your room quietly.  Yesterday you found the diaper rash cream.  You were covered in it and left a trail on the carpet, your sheets and on G.  Why do you pick the things that are hardest to clean up?!

You've kept me on my toes this summer.  I love spending time with you and learning all about you.  I take raising you very seriously.  I want to teach you how to be a loving, respectful, responsible individual.  I'm constantly trying to let myself relax enough for you to explore and figure things out on your own, and yet still have boundaries and consequences.  You've been in the time out corner quite a bit, but it doesn't seem to phase you. 

I love you and you make me proud.  (Just be sure to remember your parents, who likely have a few gray hairs from worrying about you, chasing you around and trying to keep you safe, when you're rich and famous! )

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Neiner, neiner, neiner!

Do kids still say that to tease each other anymore? 

Easter Break is such a tease.  Five consecutive lazy days with beautiful weather are such a sweet, sweet, taste of summer, followed only by the harsh reality that we have to return to school for another month.  I honestly adore this class and genuinely love coming to school to work with them, but man I love me some vacation time!  I spent the first few days doing some much needed cleaning--we're talking about the DEEP cleaning that my house has so desperately needed for about a year.  A few trips to the grocery store, playing outside with my babies, daily naps for everyone, reading a book at my leisure, a little gardening, and a bazillion loads of laundry completed= heaven. Not to mention celebrating Easter, complete with a wonderful worship service at church, Easter egg hunts, dying eggs, making an Easter craft with the kids, and time with family and friends!

Here's a short list of what I learned this week:

1.  I love Spring!

2.  My little man is growing up so fast.  I swear he learned at least 10 new words and some new "tricks" this week.

3.  My daughter CAN SPELL!  Who knew?!  You sound out the word and she can spell them!  This makes the teacher in me VERY excited.

4.  I still love to cook.  I just don't have time energy to do it during the week.

5.  My son naturally knows what to do with chocolate.  Wonder where he learned such things.... :)

6.  Naps make me happy--doublely so when I am the one taking them.

7.  I feel majorly guilty for missing so many neat things my kids are doing and learning.  I LOVE my job, but hate that it pulls me away from my babies.  I've decided that when I come home from work, I need to do a better job of being present and WITH them, not just home at the same time as them.

8.  My husband make great coffee.  I do not.

9.  I can't wait until we buy a house.  I also can't wait to do "projects" around this house.

10.  My parents are awesome.  I love them as parents and as grandparents to my kids.  It makes me happy to see the smile on their faces as they play with my babies.

And just because they're adorable...

Wouldn't you be counting down the days to spend more time with these little angel babies too?!
23 more days and counting!

Friday, February 4, 2011

sNOw day

It's February 4th and we were expecting the "blizzard of the century" here in Houston--1-3 inches!  Which may not be a lot in other parts of the country, but enough for us to get excited about here in the land of 108 degree summers.  Many schools were either canceled or let out early to allow people to "hunker down"--we worked through the day yesterday and made it home with no problems.  School and work around the city were canceled today for many.  We eagerly awaited the snow storm that was supposed to blow in last night.  We hyped it up with Katherine and talked about what we would do in the snow.  What-a-disappointment!  No snow--not even a light dusting on the lawn.  Apparently, there was a lot of ice on the road, so it was a good thing that many people stayed home, but that left us with a day indoors with no white stuff.  Katherine and I made snowman pancakes today to assuage the disappointment--for both of us.  It was a great off never the less--I will NEVER complain about an unexpected day off!  I got a bunch of laundry done, watched a few episodes of Matlock, snuggled with my darling hubby and even got a nap in. It was a FANTASTIC way to spend a Friday. 


 25 Reasons why I adore this girl:
 A conversation at the communion rail at church:
K: "What are you drinking, Mommy?"
Me:  "Blood.  Now let's use our whisper voice."
K: "Why are you drinking blood?"  (In a VERY loud whisper.)
Me: "Because Jesus told us to."
K: "Oh, okay."  (Now that's childlike faith for you!) 1/11

"Mommy, Buddy needs a bath.  He is really stinky.  But I don't need a bath--I only stink a little."

"Mommy, Andrew can't wear those socks! Those are Christmas socks, not epiphany socks." (Such a good little Lutheran!) 1/8/11
Katherine: "I'm sad because I didn't have a job at school today."
Daddy: You can thank Obama for that. 12/14/10
Katherine: "Me and Andrew are kids, and you and Daddy are dults".
Me: "Honey, I think it's called an adult."
Katherine: "That's what I said, a dult." 11/21/10
 While Katherine was standing around watching me put up Christmas lights outside, she leaned really close, put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Great job, Mommy! You're my good helper." 11/28/10
 Katherine was "reading" me her bedtime story tonight. She chose the Story of Easter and had it down pretty well...until they opened the tomb and saw that Jesus has turned into an angel and on the next page he turned back into a Jesus. 11/15/10
Katherine: Mommy, do you know what sound a porcupine makes?
Me: No sweetie, I don't.
Katherine: He says, "Porky, Porky, Pork! Porky, Porky, Pork!" 10/22/10
"Mom, are you ricatizing me?" (Umm....I don't know??) 10/17/10
So my daughter just ran over my son repeatedly while driving her PlaySchool car.  "He likes it!" She says with a smile.  10/11/10
 "Mommy, I'm not a brat, I'm a frog." (Oh, I beg to differ little girl...) 10/10/10
"Mommy, call me Kate. It's getting too hard to be Katherine." 8/30/10
I told Katherine that I was going to take a quick shower and I put her and Andrew in my room with the door closed. She then tells me, "Okay Mommy, but if you hear Andrew crying, he fell and bumped his head. I didn't do anything to him." (Hmm...I'm not sure about that...) 7/16/10
"Mommy, When I grow up I want to be a pink robot." (Dream big, little girl, dream big... ) 6/7/10
My daughter just said, "Okay Mommy, you be Cinderella and I'll be the Fairy God Mother. I'll wave my magic wand and send you to the ball game." (She must know I can't dance.) 5/23/10
"So God is going to pop all the popcorn for the chickens, and then we'll need a big jar to put it all in. And when the jar is full, then the farmer will tell the chickens, 'Here's the yummy popcorn!'" (Perhaps God has graduated from manna in the desert to popcorn on the farm.) 5/12/10
KW is a little Lutheran for sure...she now knows the Apostle's Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers, and several hymns by heart. Not bad for almost 3 years old! 1/12/10
We made an emergency stop on the side of the road for KW to go potty. She now wants to "pee-pee in the grass" on every occasion. 10/22/09
My nap was great! Katherine's was not--I found her finger painting in the dining room...and a trail of paint to the bathroom...super...At least she's self sufficient... 9/13/09
Katherine got a stuffed seal in the mail. I asked her what his name was..."Brown" she tells me. It's a good thing we didn't let her name her brother after all...who knows what she would have come up with... 9/1/09
Apparently the number "w" comes after "17"...8/30/09
Ernie Gets A Diaper Change 7/11/09